Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Water Pollution

Water Pollution is defined as any physical,chemical or biological change in quality of water that has a harmful effect on living organisms or makes the water unsuitable for needs.

Sources of Water Pollution

Water Pollution may be caused by many sources.But the two general categories of water pollution are:
1. Point sources and
2. Non-point sources.

1. Point sources:Point sources discharge pollutants at a specific place through pipelines,sewer lines,or ditches into water bodies.Identification,monitoring and control of point source discharge are easy.
Following are some of the point sources.
a. Factory outlets.
b. Power plants outlets.
c. Underground mines.
d. Oil wells
e. Sewage treatment plants.

2. Non-point sources:Non-point sources discharge pollutants from large and scattered area.These sources have no specific location.
Following are some of the non-point sources.

a. Urban streets.
b. Agricultural lands.
c. Runoff from feedlots,golf courses,lawns and gardens.
d. Sub-surface flow.
e. Soil erosion.

Effects of Water Pollution

1. Presence of the many infectious agents causes many diseases.

2. Change in color of water affects the usage of water and growth of plants and organisms in water.

3. The oxygen demanding wastes such as animal manure and plant residues deplete the dissolved oxygen content of water which is harmful to the aquatic lives.

4. Growth of aquatic plants and fishes are affected by the presence of acids,alkalies and toxic substances.

5. Oil and other lubricants affect the self purification of the stream or water body.

6. Dumping of solid wastes resulting surfaces water as ground water pollution.

7. Run-off from farms,backyards,and golf courses contain pesticides such as DDT that in turn contaminate the water.

8. Over exploitation of ground results decline in water levels.Also it leads to sea water intrusion into the groundwater which deteriorates its quality.

Control of Water Pollution

1. Farmers can reduce the running of fertilizers from their agricultural lands to the nearby water bodies and leaching into aquifers.This can be obtained by using slow-release fertilizers and avoiding fertilizers in sloped ground.

2.Over fertilizers and improper application of pesticides can be avoided.

3.By using more biological control pests,pesticide usage may be minimized.

4.Soil erosion cab be minimized by reforesting critical and important water sheds.

5.Proper treatment must be given to all the effluents from the industries.

6.By preventing ground water contamination.

7.By reuse of treated waste water fro irrigation purposes.

8.By reducing poverty and birth rates.

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